
Journey of IEEMA

Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers’ Association (IEEMA) was established in 1948 when eight Indian companies decided to create a platform for promotion of Indian Electrical Manufacturers’ Association (IEMA). The original signatories to the Memorandum of Articles of Association were:

Mr. N.W. Gurjar

Kriloskar Electric Co. Ltd

Mr. B.K. Rohatgi

India Electric Works Ltd

Mr. C.M. Shaw

General Electric Co. (India) Ltd

Mr. Kishenchand

Kaycee Industries Ltd

Mr. C.G. Gorton

National Insulated Cable Co of India Ltd

Mr. C.M. Humfrey

Associated Electrical Industries Mfg. Co. Ltd

Mr. P.H. Bolland

Crompton Parkinson Works Ltd

Mr. L.P. Shah

Electric Construction & Equipment Co Ltd

The establishment of the association synchronized with attaining of independence by India reflecting the faith of Indian industrialists in the growth of various individual sectors of economy in the atmosphere of freedom. In those years, universally, electronics had not attained the status it enjoys today and was mainly restricted to audio, broadcasting, telephonic and telegraphic communication. Telephones were still considered a luxury, affordable by elite class only. Others areas of electronics were defence oriented. Development of civilian industries in this sector was restricted. In General, electronics was considered as a part of the electrical industry.

Membership Profile

Until 1984, almost all activities, in electronics sector except entertainment electronics were resolved for public sector. Even in entertainment electronics the broadcasting and telecasting of programmes was a government monopoly, thereby offering a limited choice to the listeners and viewers. Opening of electronics field to private sector enabled the entrepreneurs to establish industries to meet hitherto suppressed demand. The electronics industry recorded the highest growth in the subsequent years, bringing it on par with electrical power sector in terms of investment, employment and output. Many of the members of IEEMA have already entered the electronics field in a limited way for the permissible sector of automation and controls, industrial electronics and instrumentation. These members were, therefore, well equipped to take advantage of liberalization and were among the first to expand their activities to encompass electronics sector also. They desired that IEEMA should recognize the growing importance of electronics and offer services to this sector also. It was at the instance of such members that IEMA changed its name of IEEMA and established separate product and activity specific divisions to service them.

The Association today represents wide range of electrical, professional electronics and allied products encompassing raw materials, parts, components, products, systems and services. It is recognized as the representative organization of the Indian electrical and professional electronics industry. IEEMA is, therefore invited to represent the industry on many councils and committees constituted by the government.

Services to Members: The Genesis

The servicing of membership and the secretariat was entrusted to Engineering Association of India (EAI) which provided secretarial services to several other associations. The membership of the IEMA remained more or less stagnant between 12 & 16 years for several years. This placed considerable limitations on expansion of services.

The Establishment of IEEMA

In 1965, Mr. PR Deshpande, the dynamic doyen of the industry was elected as the President of IEMA (the then Indian Electrical Manufacturers Association). In the year 1969 the Head Office and active work was shifted to Mumbai in view of the fact that electrical industry was situated prominently in western and southern regions of the Country. In 1986, “Electronics” was added to IEMA and since then it is known as IEEMA. In the year 2013, the president and the executive committee of IEEMA realized the need for strengthening the New Delhi office for effective advocacy and influencing public policy. To effectively meet this objective, the newly appointed Director General of IEEMA was located in New Delhi. In the past, many national industry associations, have at some point of time moved from the traditional centers of industry concentration, like Mumbai & Kolkatta to the country’s capital, New Delhi to meet similar objectives. The registered office of IEEMA continues to be in Mumbai with a strengthened secretariat at New Delhi.
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Former Director Generals

Rishyamook Building, First Floor
85 A, Panchkuian Road
New Delhi – 110001, INDIA

Registered Office

501, Kakad Chambers, 132
Dr. Annie Besant. Road, Worli
Mumbai – 400018, INDIA

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